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Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Plant Dreams

Hello, well things have been a little quiet around here due to the fine weather making me spend too much time in the garden, I always feel we've got to make the most of it.
Just as well I did, today has been so cold and grey with rain this morning, so a page in my journal to reflect the contrast of the colourful flowers blooming and the grey sky.
Journaling is quite new to me, but I love the freedom I feel just to 'do'
I am going to join the folks over at Art Journal Journey where Jo has set this months theme of Flora and Fauna.
Thanks for calling in and I'm going to make the most of the miserable weather we have in store for the next few days and spend time in my craftroom!

Avril xx


Let's Art Journal said...

What beautiful pages! I love that the blue sky is just peeking out from behind those grey clouds and the background texture, stamped words and how you used the brick stencil are fabulous 😁. Your pretty white embossed and die cut flowers look so delicate too - perfect! Like you I've been making the most of the sunshine recently and I really appreciate you joining us at Art Journal Journey, thank you so much! J 😊 x

Jannet said...

A really beautiful entry in your art journal. Let’s hope the skies turn blue and cloud free again soon.

My name is Erika. said...

Beautiful journal spread Avril. Hugs-Erika

Lisa said...

Wow, your journal pages are so stunning!! I love the colors and layering!! Absolutely gorgeous, Avril!! I love them!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I thought I left a comment yesterday, but I found your page open on my desktop this morning. My apologies. I love how you delineated the sky with the floral foreground. These pages are gorgeous. So much of the background is subtle, but you have pulled together a genuine work of art! Thanks for sharing this gem with us at Art Journal Journey.

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful journal pages! Glad you were able to spend a lot of time in the garden. Hugs, Valerie

froebelsternchen said...

This spread is utterly beautiful dear Avril! You achieved the exact look of my garden today with your spread! We seem to have the same weather as you - but good that we were able to do the most work in the garden already!
So happy to see this amazing spread with all it's beauty at Art Journal Journey! Thank you very much for participating- I hope to see you more often in the future! Would be great! Hugs, Susi

sirkkis said...

This is so lovely double page. The colours are so soft and beautiful and design first class.
Happy summer days to you 🌸💕

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

A beautiful double page spread Avril with the use of those wildflower die cuts. There should never be any doubt of spending too much time in the garden as we get so few days to enjoy the outdoors in the UK, embrace every moment as if like me I take so much inspiration from nature and all that live within it.
Hope the sun has been shining today..
Hugs Tracey xx

Meggymay said...

Its a gorgeous spread Avril, I love the scene and the feeling of peace and tranquility I get when I looked at it.
Yvonne xx

sally said...

Such pretty colours for your journal spread! We had a rubbish day yesterday & a cool start today but then summer came back and I got out in the garden, joined later by Brodie and then Bill when he came home from golf.....no art got done today in my house:-( but I did enjoy the weather:-)

Sally xx

Lenie said...

I love your pages, they are so beautiful!

Cath Wilson said...

What a shame you've had dull, grey weather - glorious sunshine here, still - unusually!

Lovely spread, though and great excuse for doing a bit of crafting. I'm exactly the same - I always think the housework and everything else can wait when the sun shines... we don't get a lot of it here in the North West. I've been reading and replanting pots, etc - great therapy.

Cath x

Mrs A. said...

I know the feeling of being torn between the garden and the craft room. I 'm catching up on coming round every one to see what is being done. I do admire people with their journaling pages. This one is lovely. . Hugs Mrs A.

SewPaperPaint said...

Oh my! These pages really give off that exact feeling. It's dreary here too today, but everything is bright green and flowers are exploding. Your pages are so beautiful and you've used these elements perfectly. Big hugs, Autumn

Caro´s kreative Welt said...

This is a beautiful page. I love the way you designed the flowers.
Have a nice weekend.
Hugs Carola

Sandy said...

Avril your pages are gorgeous - I for one am glad the weather is bad there to give you more time to create in your art journal! Bravo!!
Sandy xx

Janette said...

Avril these pages look wonderful and I love the softer colours too...
Hope your having a nice weekend, very blustery here but warm, which I don't mind, as long as it stays dry..xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

This is a beautiful Spring page Avril! Rain is heading our way tomorrow! Hugs, Chrisx

aussie aNNie said...

Just beautiful.xx

Words and Pictures said...

Lovely page spread, Avril - the flowers are so pretty (especially that white cow parsley), and the sky is beautiful.
Alison x